This blog aims to share with foreign language teachers some projects and classroom activities I have developed throughout my career as an English teacher in Brasil, as well as express my feelings and choices on news, literature, songs, movies...

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012


Enjoy doing an exercise on grammar while watching/ listening to one of the wonderful voices. Winehouse

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012


Eliane and me during presentation of our project "Luz, câmera...action" at CENTRO PAULA SOUZA´S Seminar in Atibaia SP. We were very proud of the project. I´ll post some about it soon.

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Serenade, (1st Movement)

This week  I had the sweet satisfaction of  finishing my classes with this treasure of AMADEUS WOLFGANG MOZART after reading, with the students from the 9th grade, a text  about " The Mozart Effect" and the transformational power of music on our brain. I feel good and  happy when I learn with my students and when I have the opportunity to work with culture in my classes.

PS. A student who studies music  brought his keyboard  and played beautifully  in one of the classes.

Read more about it at